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The journey in the pursuit of innovation and digital technologies may be rife with uncertainties and anxiety for businesses and industries, especially the SMEs. At whatever [Read More]
Despite the emergence of the sustainable finance sector and ESG investment markets to direct funds to green growth, a disconnect between ESG competence claims and corporate [Read More]
The 2022 edition of the APO Productivity Databook aims to support APO member economies in coping with current challenges, including postpandemic revival, and contribute to their [Read More]
With the increasing vulnerability of global youth employment, it is urgent to reengage young people in the labor force. APO member economies with a youth bulge [Read More]
As the manufacturing hub of the world, Asia sees more value in Green Productivity (GP) than in the circular economy (CE), which is focused on sustainability [Read More]
Social entrepreneurship is a global phenomenon that largely entails innovative solutions to social problems. In this P-Insights report, Dr. Marie Lisa M. Dacanay shares examples of [Read More]
Design innovation encourages enterprises to think holistically about design throughout various stages of new product/service development. Focusing on how to incorporate design innovation as a strategy [Read More]
The time for change, to rethink our approach to the planet, is now, not tomorrow. This P-Insights report explores the concepts of Green Productivity and the [Read More]
The pandemic has changed the way organizations work and operate. With the constant quest to increase performance and productivity, this report explores how organizations and individuals [Read More]
This is the inaugural edition of the APO Productivity Outlook series. The report underscores that productivity gains in the manufacturing sector are essential in driving long-term [Read More]
Transformation is never easy. The manufacturing journey undertaken by 15 companies in five member countries at various stages of Industry 4.0 are highlighted here as case [Read More]
APO has brought out this publication at a time when smart manufacturing is being recognized as a key leverage for raising productivity growth, more so after [Read More]
Digital transformation is not a luxury, but a necessity. It is also an essential part of business survival. As such, it is crucial for SMEs to [Read More]