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The report presents a comprehensive roadmap to drive sustainability through Green Productivity (GP) 2.0 initiatives. Packed with actionable strategies, technological interventions, and forward-thinking approaches, it empowers [Read More]


This study explores the dual role of the informal sector in selected APO member economies, highlighting its importance in providing livelihoods and the challenges to productivity [Read More]


This report examines the critical issue of premature deindustrialization across diverse economies, exploring causes, implications, and potential solutions to this global phenomenon that challenges economic growth [Read More]


Good Regulatory Practice (GRP) frameworks encourage innovation, minimize administrative burdens, and stimulate economic growth. Vietnam’s development goals include becoming a high-income country by 2045, and GRP [Read More]


The enduring impact of COVID-19 on global businesses revealed both vulnerabilities and resilience. This study examines success stories from four developed APO economies, analyzing their approaches [Read More]


As Asian societies age and APO member economies turn silver, they face the challenge of a dwindling workforce, and consequently, of a declining productivity. A coherent [Read More]


This publication explores the pivotal role of robust institutional innovation ecosystems in fostering productivity across nine APO member economies. Examining policies, initiatives, and outcomes within national [Read More]


The combined efforts of generating employment opportunities and improving job quality play pivotal roles in shaping an economy and workforce productivity. This report analyzes the impact [Read More]


The publication delves into informal sector challenges in 10 APO member economies (Bangladesh, Cambodia, Fiji, India, Mongolia, Pakistan, the Philippines, Thailand, Turkiye, Vietnam). Limited access to [Read More]


In order to meet new challenges and demands in modern society, such as the rise of automation, education gaps, and aging populations, the labor forces in [Read More]


Digital transformation presents huge opportunities but also poses serious challenges for governments. This research, based on data and evidence from 11 APO member economies, identifies navigational [Read More]


This report explores the vital role of SMEs in global economies, especially in Asia, where they contribute significantly to economic growth and employment. The study delves [Read More]


Establishing effective national innovation systems is vital for economic growth and development. Innovation has the transformative potential that will drive productivity, competitiveness, and societal progress. The [Read More]


This report provides an in-depth analysis of how inclusive innovation is conceptualized and implemented within the policy frameworks of six APO member economies: India, Japan, the [Read More]


The P-Analysis report e-Government: Policy and Strategy for Productivity Growth in the Philippines provides valuable insights on the effectiveness of e-government systems and their contributions to [Read More]


Countries that overcame the low-income threshold decades ago are staring today at a roadblock – the middle-income trap. These challenges result countries fumbling to come out [Read More]


Global travel restrictions during the pandemic affected the hotel industry across the APO member countries. To understand the productivity levels of the sector and benchmark it, [Read More]


The journey in the pursuit of innovation and digital technologies may be rife with uncertainties and anxiety for businesses and industries, especially the SMEs. At whatever [Read More]


This is the inaugural edition of the APO Productivity Outlook series. The report underscores that productivity gains in the manufacturing sector are essential in driving long-term [Read More]


APO has brought out this publication at a time when smart manufacturing is being recognized as a key leverage for raising productivity growth, more so after [Read More]


Be ready for it – the full force of Industry 4.0 is imminent. This revolution is already showing impacts in a nation’s economy, its ways of [Read More]


SMEs must embrace digital innovation to achieve business agility and compete in global markets. However, they are faced with many barriers. This handbook for manufacturing SMEs [Read More]


National reports from India, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, and Singapore show how the wise use of social capital can play a role in business [Read More]


This volume outlines specific problems in aging societies along with programs and policies to deal with them. Practical solutions adopted by the Republic of China, Japan, [Read More]


The overall conclusion of the 10 country papers and integrated regional analysis in this volume is that, although they may take different forms in different national
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Survey projects on TFP conducted in 1998 and 2001 were discussed at an APO workshop in 2002, with the finalized report versions published here. Closer analysis [Read More]

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