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Message to the Vietnam Productivity Centre
Ryuichiro Yamazaki
Secretary-General, Asian Productivity Organization
Ấm lời chào đến tất cả! (Warm greetings to all!)
It is my great pleasure to address the stakeholders of the productivity movement in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the staff of the Vietnam Productivity Centre (VPC).
In the last 50 years, APO member economies have been transformed, and the APO has remained a committed partner of national productivity organizations (NPOs) in pursuing productivity-enhancing initiatives. When Vietnam joined the APO in 1996, the country was at the brink of a strong economic development phase. In 1997, the Directorate for Standards, Metrology and Quality/VPC was established as the NPO to lead the productivity movement in parallel with the national development plan. From 1996, Vietnam’s economy experienced rapid growth due to structural and policy reforms, technological improvements, and increased international and local demand for high-value products and services, along with steadily increasing productivity levels. Vietnam has been able to sustain its development, and the VPC continues to play an active role in promoting productivity.
Vietnam’s development goal for 2011–2015 is “to attain sustainable and qualified growth and properly protect and use natural resources and the environment.” For both the APO and VPC to carry out their missions successfully, it will be necessary to undertake joint innovative activities while “together we strive for excellence.
In the 50th year of the APO, I am honored to lead the organization that is recognized as the champion of the productivity movement in the Asia-Pacific region. As the APO celebrates its golden jubilee, the VPC also commemorates its 15th year of service to Vietnam by supporting national development initiatives through the fulfillment of its own mission.
In closing, let me emphasize that the economic performance of Asia is being watched throughout the world. The APO is in a unique position to promote sustainable socioeconomic development not only for its member countries but also for that of other interdependent economies in the region and beyond. For that to become a reality, we must aim to become even more competitive and productive in all of our endeavors.
>>Click here for link to VPC.