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Excellencies, APO Directors, and Distinguished Delegates:
Greetings from Tokyo, and a warm welcome to the 64th session of the APO Governing Body.
We had hoped to [Read More]
Excellencies, Ladies, and Gentlemen:
Greetings from the APO Secretariat and a very warm welcome to the 62nd session of the Governing Body, our first-ever virtual GBM. [Read More]
Excellencies, APO Directors, and Distinguished Delegates:
Greetings from Tokyo, and a warm welcome to the sixty third Session of the APO Governing Body.
This is the [Read More]
I believe that 2021 will be a year of challenge. We all continue to grapple with the consequences of the ongoing pandemic, which has brought so [Read More]
The year 2020 is a significant milestone as the world ushers in the second decade of the 21st century. For the Asian Productivity Organization (APO), 2020 [Read More]