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President Masayoshi Matsukawa of the Japan Productivity Center,
Chairman Takashi Tsuji of the Kansai Productivity Center,
The 37 overseas participants representing 17 APO member countries and [Read More]
I take great pleasure in wishing everyone a happy, healthy, and productive New Year. It is a hopeful time as we celebrate the end of one [Read More]
Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani
Distinguished Delegates,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
A very good morning to all of you.
On behalf of the APO Secretariat, [Read More]
Mr. Soutchay Sisouvong, APO Alternate Director for Lao PDR and Chair of the WSM;
Distinguished NPO and Agriculture Delegates; Advisers, Observers, and Guests:
It is [Read More]
Your Excellency Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina;
Mr. K.H. Massud Siddiqui, Secretary of the Ministry of Industries and APO Country Director for Bangladesh;
The Honourable Khandher Mosharraf [Read More]